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Ground Beef Wellington Puff Pastry With Cheddar Cheese

Acquire to make an piece of cake and inexpensive version of Beef Wellington and impress your friends and family.

Ground Beef Wellington

What I am bringing to y'all today is a apprehensive, speedy but no less delicious version of grand Beefiness Wellington.

What is Beefiness Wellington?

Traditionally Beefiness Wellington is prepared with a good cut of beefiness smothered in delicious mushroom duxelle and wrapped in flaky puff pastry. The dish is fit for a rex.

However, our recipe calls for ground beef, which is much cheaper and less intimidating to piece of work with.

While I've always wanted to make the "real" version I never seemed to be able to justify spending the money on the high priced clamper of beefiness.

Ground Beef Wellington

When Jamie Oliver came upwards with this recipe I knew information technology would become a regular weeknight dinner option. Information technology'due south basically a dressed up meatloaf baked in puff pastry, which makes it immediately more appealing.

I recall the puff pastry elevates this dish from a lowly, everyday meatloaf condition to something rather special.

Ground Beef Wellington

This tasty dish is a winner with anybody, from young to old. Information technology's beautiful and volition brand you look like you lot possess chef-like skills in the kitchen while information technology's a breeze to brand.

How do I make Beef Wellington?

Preheat your oven to 350F/180C and take your pastry out of the fridge to soften a bit. Peel onion, carrot and irish potato. Dice all the vegetables (except the peas!) into similar size pieces.

Put your frying pan on a medium heat with two tablespoons of olive oil and chop up your herbs. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic printing or chop it upward with a knife and throw them in the pan equally well.

Gently saute everything stirring occasionally until your vegetables are tender and onions are translucent. It will have about v-eight minutes. Then transfer your mixture into a bowl and cool completely.

Beef Wellington

Once it'south cooled enough to touch add together your beef and peas to it. Here is your chance to play with your food-become into the bowl with your hands and showtime mixing everything together.

Then add salt and pepper and a half of your beaten egg, reserve the remainder for the pastry.

If you are one of those people, who actually doesn't like to impact meat, I recommend buying kitchen gloves for instances similar this. It'due south really important to go into the mixture with your hands to ensure fifty-fifty distribution of all the nice $.25 plus it's just fun!

Beef Wellington

Dust your make clean work surface with a handful of flour and coil out your pastry to a ¼ inch thickness or utilise an already rolled 1!

Shape your beefiness mixture into a log and identify information technology on your rolled out pastry canvas, brush the edges with the reserved egg.

Ringlet it upward tucking the ends inside similar a giant burrito, brush with the egg all over and place it on a baking sheet seam down.

Beef Wellington

Bake Beef Wellington in the preheated oven for 45 min to an hr depending on your oven until aureate.

That's what mine looked like…

Beef Wellington

What tin can I serve with Ground Beefiness Wellington?

Serve your Wellington with a simple greenish salad or this tomato and cucumber salad.  You can also make this luxurious mushroom sauce if yous feel like this dish needs a scrap of gravy.

This recipe was originally published in xi/2012, updated in 02/2019.

Ground Beef Wellington

  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 celery stick
  • 1 white potato medium
  • 2-iii cloves garlic
  • 5 mushrooms
  • iv rosemary or thyme sprigs leaves simply
  • ii tbsp olive oil
  • 80g/1/2 cup frozen peas
  • 1 lbs ground beefiness
  • 500g/17oz puff pastry
  • flour for rolling
  • salt and pepper to gustatory modality
  • 1 egg beaten
  • Preheat your oven to 350F/180C and take the pastry out of the fridge to soften a fleck. Peel onion, carrot and potato. Dice all the vegetables into similar size pieces. Put a frying pan on medium rut with olive oil, chop upward the rosemary and mince the garlic and add them to the pan.

  • Gently saute everything stirring occasionally until your vegetables are tender and onions are translucent. Information technology will have virtually 5-8 minutes. Then transfer your mixture into a basin and cool completely.

  • One time information technology's cooled enough to touch add the footing beefiness and peas. Thoroughly mix everything together calculation salt and pepper and a one-half of your beaten egg, reserve the rest for the pastry.

  • Grit a clean piece of work surface with a scattering of flour and curlicue out the pastry to a ¼ inch thickness or utilise an already rolled one.

  • Shape the beef mixture into a log and place it on the rolled out pastry canvas, castor the edges with the reserved egg. Roll it up tucking the ends inside like a giant burrito, brush with the egg all over and identify information technology on a blistering sheet seam down. Bake Beefiness Wellington in the preheated oven for 45 min to an hour depending on your oven until gilded.

Julia Frey is a London based recipe developer and photographer. Julia founded Vikalinka in 2012 with the master mission to provide her readers with delicious and accessible everyday recipes, which could be enjoyed past anybody.
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